MJN Digital | Digital Signage Company in Karachi Pakistan

Digital Signage for Plants​ & Manufacturing

With digital signage for manufacturing, you can engage your workforce in actual time within all locations. Communicate productivity aims, internal communications, health and safety protocols, and emergency alerts efficiently and accurately.

Boost Productivity with MJN Plants​ & Manufacturing Digital Signage Solutions

From corporate announcements to live metrics to schedules, MJN Digital Signage Solution enables you to effectively communicate information to your manufacturing plant’s mobile workforce. Even though they do not work at desks, they will be exposed to your powerful messaging using screens installed all through the premises.

Our manufacturing digital signage is helpful to overcome these challenges in internal communications, lessen the risk of work-related accidents, expedite emergency protocols, and improve employee engagement across the facility. An easy-to-use platform handles content in a specific spot.

Key Use Cases

Display productivity goals and KPIs

With our free gadgets, you can showcase your factory and plant analytics on your screen in seconds and ensure that employees are operating toward the same objective. Log in to the data dashboard you intend to broadcast on the screen.

Communicate staff updates

Engage your workers in essential corporate news, new protocols and regulatory requirements, and opportunities for more education. In just a few clicks, users will upload Office, PDF, and Google document files.

Broadcast emergency alerts

Utilizing our emergency alerts, you can keep your employees safe in the case of an emergency. From any remote location, activate our emergency alert system at any affected facility in seconds.

Promote health & safety protocols

Manufacturing digital signage raises awareness of and compliance to, health and safety standards across all plants. To enhance employee engagement, create a playlist containing safety videos and graphics.

Motivate employees

Showcase individual and team achievements and successes. Greet new workers with a concise description and a snapshot. Create lovely and attention-grabbing content for your displays by using one of our free screen layout templates.

Strengthen company culture

Showcase Display organizational values, goals, and activities that help fresh and interim employees feel like they are part of the team straight away. Leverage visually appealing material to communicate employee incentives and accomplishments.

When most employees work on their feet in a loud and fast paced industrial environment, getting essential information to your employees could be challenging. But the reality is that your organization’s safety and prosperity are at risk. MJN digital signage makes it easy to keep your entire workforce on-task, engaged, and safe across thousands of manufacturing facilities and warehouses. Digital manufacturing displays can help you reach a wide range of business goals.


Share production line analytics, inventory alerts, and other statistics to minimize blockages and keep everyone focused on achieving corporate objectives.


Improve the effectiveness of your safety programs and compliance activities by incorporating appealing OSHA movies, signage, and health reminders.


To keep your workforce engaged, celebrate employee achievements and occasions in the cafeteria and even beyond.

MJN’s Digital Edge

MJN’s corporate digital signage services include hardware, software, content, and professional assistance to help you enhance workplace communications..

Services for Professionals:

We can install, develop, and operate digital signage networks of any scale. Our objective is to make the entire process easier for you.

11+ Years of Experience

11+ Years of Professional Experience We can get your signage system fully operational swiftly by leveraging a broad collection of content varieties and techniques to select from.

Expertise in Digital Signage:

Our sales and support staff are digital signage veterans. This assures that you are working with a trained professional for your digital signage installation.

Award-Winning Band:

To ensure that the implementation fulfils both criteria, the MJN Digital professional services team will collaborate with your IT and communications teams.


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